Our School


If you are interested in a volunteering at the Gathering Place in Clarks Summit, please contact Mrs. Armezzani at [email protected] (570-881-7612) for more information.

The Voluntary Action Center (VAC) provides numerous student community service opportunities. Contact the VAC at www.vacnepa.org (570-347-5616) for more information


Please remember that attendance is recorded on the student's transcript.

If you have any questions pertaining to attendance, please speak with the assistant principal, Mrs. Theony (grades 9 & 10) or Mr. Snyder (grades 11 & 12).


Please note that all school rules and district policies apply during the school day and during all school related activities outside of the school day. Students are reminded that a violation of the controlled substances/paraphernalia policy and/or violation of the weapons policy may result in an expulsion from school and may have legal consequences. The controlled substances/paraphernalia policy and the weapons policy are posted in the student office and are available on the district website.

High School Student Drop-Off / Pick-Up Procedures

Student drop off in the morning is in the main student parking lot in front of the high school (cars are not to enter by the bus platform). Parents should drop students off in the parking lot and continue through the parking lot and around the back side of the building and exit via Beynon Drive to Noble Road. Please do not turn around in the parking lot and exit back to Noble Road. Students should not be dropped off or picked up in the back of the building near the guidance parking lot. In order to maintain the safety of our students, staff and community members, everyone needs to travel in one direction around the building. We appreciate everyone's help with this matter.


Congratulations to our students, faculty, staff, administrators and parents for their collective efforts in helping our High School earn a building level academic score of 98.4 (out of 100) according to the Pennsylvania School Performance Profile (SPP). Congratulations to our students on their academic performance, and thank you to our teachers and parents for supporting and educating our students.


These are part of the criteria for the School Performance Profile. Students currently enrolled in a biology course, algebra course and 9th grade English course will take the Keystone Exams in May; in addition, any student who did not previously earn a proficient score on any of the Keystone Exams will be scheduled for a retest this winter (January). The performance level demonstrated, not the score, for each Keystone Exam will be on the student's transcript. Performance levels on Keystone Exams will be used to determine level placement for overrides and course placement for math. Please refer to pages 6 & 7 in the Curriculum Guide for additional information on Keystone Exams. The Curriculum Guide is available on the high school website, under the documents link on the left hand side of the webpage.In addition to the Keystone Exam performance levels, student attendance will be also reported on the transcript.


Volunteer Opportunities

Students can access the Voluntary Action Center website for additional volunteer opportunities: www.vacnepa.org

If you have specific questions pertaining to any of the organizations on the Voluntary Action Center website, you can contact

Nancy Post

The Voluntary Action Center

829 Jefferson Avenue, Scranton, PA 18510

570-347-5616 ext. 207